Housing Board

Basement Apartment or Room for Rent (in House with Family)

Bedroom, den and private bathroom

Type: Basement apartment
Location: Littleton, , CO
Move-in Date: 10/1/2024
Rent Range: $900-1,000 /month

Looking for someone to rent my basement, preferably female because I live with my daughter who is 43 and my granddaughter who is 11 years old and would really rather not have outside males around them. We are mostly at school and work during the week so the house is fairly quiet. However, on weekends my son and his children come over after church every Sunday and we make a big Italian dinner, play games, watch football and it can get noisy. Get noisy. Are Italian after all! You will have use of the washer and dryer which is on the main floor near my kitchen once a week. All utilities are included, Wi-Fi, gas, electric, water, etc. Is a brand new microwave and use of in refrigerator that is in the garage. Plenty of parking in front of my house

To Apply: joannelazzara58@gmail.com